
This webinar symposium aims to advance architectural and landscape knowledge on floating as ways of living, urging the study of natural and artificial (modern/vernacular) floating habitats in the broadest sense. The debate will be of interdisciplinary interest, offering a new critical ecological-cultural gaze at floating landscapes from different lenses: from historical examples to contemporary design-based proposals, from the Metabolists’ theory of marine cities to contemporary socio-political urgency in the Anthropocene highlighted by the current threats of climate change and the constraints of a post-industrial and post-consumerist society.

The symposium holds that floating islands (both as natural and artificial artifacts, but also as an abstract idea) are a concrete and powerful representative habitat of today’s interrelatedness facing contemporary global radical changes and challenges.

The participants are international scholars, academics and practitioners from different backgrounds and geographical areas, thus covering an incredible spectrum of perspectives and expertise on floating habitats. The various contributions intend to promote mutual exchange of critical knowledge and transdisciplinary reflections, whilst the discussion on selected and relevant case studies will make this event more significant, with global visibility expanding and deepening the scientific comprehension of this urgent and timely topic.

Il simposio Floating Habitat si propone di far avanzare le conoscenze architettoniche e paesaggistiche su floating come modalità di abitare, sollecitando lo studio degli habitat galleggianti e sospesi sia naturali che vernacolari e moderni,  con una vasta apertura interpretativa del tema. Il dibattito sarà il più interdisciplinare possibile, offrendo un nuovo sguardo ecologico-culturale- critico sui paesaggi del floating da diversi punti di vista: da casi studio anche utopici del passato a proposte progettuali contemporanee in costruzione, dalla teoria delle città marine dei Metabolisti all’urgenza socio-politica contemporanea nell’Antropocene, dalle attuali minacce del cambiamento climatico ai vincoli di una società post-industriale e post-consumistica.

Il simposio ritiene che il tema del floating  –  inteso sia come idea astratta che come artefatto e paesaggio naturale e artificiale in acqua, aria e spazio – costituisca un habitat concreto e fortemente rappresentativo dell’interrelazione odierna tra cambiamenti e sfide radicali globali.

I partecipanti sono studiosi, accademici e professionisti internazionali provenienti da diversi contesti e aree geografiche, andando a coprire così un incredibile spettro di prospettive e competenze sul floating habitat. I vari contributi intendono promuovere lo scambio reciproco di conoscenze critiche e riflessioni transdisciplinari, mentre la discussione e apertura interpretativa su casi studio rilevanti renderà questo simposio fondativo, con una visibilità globale che amplierà e approfondirà la comprensione scientifica di questo tema urgente e attuale.


Alessandro De Magistris | Politecnico di Milano

Alice Covatta | University of Montreal

Andreas Kipar | LAND/ PoliMi

Brydon T Wang | Queensland University of Technology

Carola Hein | TU Delft

David Grahame Shane | GSAPP Columbia NY

Francesco Musco | IUAV

Ida Križaj Leko | DeltaLab, UniRi

Iisa Aurora Eikaas | University of Copenhagen

Jenny Tang | ECOLAND Planning and Design Corperation Ltd.

Jin Taira | ULPGC Universidad de la Palma de Gran Canaria

John Hanna | TU Delft

Laura Cipriani | TU Delft

Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi | PoliMi

Matteo Vianello | IUAV

Nathalie de Vries| MVRDV / TU DELFT

Nebojša Jeremić | PoliMi

Paolo De Martino | IUAV / TU Delft

Raffaele Pernice | UNSW Sydney

Rutger de Graaf | Blue21 – INDYMO – Blue Revolution Foundation

Vedrana Ikalović | Lille Catholic University

Welcome by Massimo Bricocoli | PoliMI & Riza Yosia Sunindijo | UNSW Sydney

Final discussion with Pierre Alain Croset | PoliMI


Day 1

28 May | 08:30 – 12:00 (Milan) | 16:30 – 20:00 (Sydney) | 02:30 – 06:00 (New York)

Massimo Bricocoli | PoliMI _ Riza Yosia Sunindijo | UNSW Sydney
Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi | PoliMI _ Raffaele Pernice | UNSW Sydney
Paolo De Martino | IUAV/ TU Delft
Floating Narratives
Jenny Tang | ECOLAND Planning and Design Corperation Ltd.
Exploring Floating Habitat Diversity Through Huangyan Waterfront Revival
and Wild Duck Lake Wetland Park Case Studies
Andreas Kipar | LAND/ PoliMi
Nature-Positive Landscapes: Challenges and Opportunities in bringing Nature to the Water
Iisa Aurora Eikaas | University of Copenhagen
Flood Cultures – Traditional Ecological knowledge for Livelihood Adaptation
Laura Cipriani | TU Delft
Floating Soils
Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi _ Nebojša Jeremić | PoliMi
Floating Vernacular
Francesco Musco | IUAV
Designing Maritime Space: Plans for the Sea in Italy
Day 2

29 May | 12:00 – 14:30 (Milan) | 20:00 – 22:30 (Sydney) | 06:00 – 08:30 (New York)

Raffaele Pernice | UNSW Sydney
By Sea, on Land, and in the Air. 1960s Urban Megastructures in Japan and the West
Carola Hein | TU Delft
Inspirations of the Past: From Floating Gardens and Floating Villages to Future Living on the Sea
John Hanna | TU Delft
Water on Paper: Waterfront and Amphibious Architecture in ‘L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui’, 1950s-1970s
Rutger de Graaf | Blue21 – INDYMO – Blue Revolution Foundation
Floating Future: an Interdisciplinary Study to enable Implementation of Floating Islands for Societal,
Industrial and Ecological Win-wins
 (Authors: Rutger de Graaf, Olaf Waals, Margo van den Brink,
Tjeerd Bouma, Floor Spaargaren, Joep van der Zanden and Christiaan Weiler)
Alice Covatta | University of Montreal _ Vedrana Ikalović | Lille Catholic University
The floating Elements of Tokyo: from Idles to Public Space.
Jin Taira | ULPGC Universidad de la Palma de Gran Canaria
From Floating to Settle. Pragmatical Metabolism in Tokyo Bay
David Grahame Shane | GSAPP Columbia NY
Floating Cities; Foucault’s Ocean Liner and the Early Work of Archigram.
Day 3

30 May | 08:30 – 11:30 (Milan) | 16:30 – 19:30 (Sydney) | 02:30 – 05:30 (New York)

Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi | PoliMi
Beyond the Floating Laputa
Ida Križaj Leko | DeltaLab, UniRi
Learning from Rijeka: Ships, Vessels and Floating Objects
Brydon T Wang | Queensland University of Technology
Bridging Land and Sea: How Market Forces, Social Norms, and Technological Advancements
Drive the Legal Construction of Floating Cities
Matteo Vianello | IUAV
Ground Beyond Land. A Critical Reading of Aesthetics and Politics of the Ocean as a Human Settlement
Alessandro De Magistris | PoliMI
The Cosmicward Trend of Soviet Architecture
Nathalie de Vries| MVRDV / TU DELFT
Sea2City Vancouver
FINAL DISCUSSION with Pierre Alain Croset | PoliMI10:40

Webex Meeting

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The Floating Piers at the island of San Paolo, by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, viewed from Rocca di Monte Isola, June 2016
Author: NewtonCourt, creative commons Wikipedia.
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Christo, Floating piers, Italy
Author: Richard Ley Free for use under the Pixabay Content License.
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Astronaut Scott Parazynski repairs a damaged ISS solar panel.
Image created by: NASA Commons
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Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (1839 edition), the flying island of Laputa.
Author:unknown, Gerd Küveler (reproduction), Public domain, da Wikimedia Commons
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Astronaut Bruce McCandless Performs the First Untethered Spacewalk. Image credit: NASA
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Floating Piers on Lake Iseo 2016, by Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Author: Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi
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Floating Piers on Lake Iseo 2016, by Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Author: Margherita Parati
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Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi | PoliMi
Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi is an architect and Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi), Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU). He holds a joint PhD from the IUAV University of Venice and TU Delft and a joint Master of Architecture degree from Milano Politecnico and Torino Politecnico. He is author of ‘The Heart of the City’ (Routledge 2018), and he is cofounder of CoPE_Collective of Projects in Equipoise.

Raffaele Pernice | UNSW Sydney
Raffaele Pernice is an EU licensed architect and Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney). He holds a PhD in Architecture from Waseda University and a Master of Architecture degree from IUAV University of Venice. He is editor of ‘The Urbanism of Metabolism. Visions, Scenarios and Models for the Mutant City of Tomorrow’ (Routledge 2022).

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